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MoonPie Over Mobile

Mobile’s mantra is “Born to Celebrate,” which makes New Year’s Eve a pretty exciting time. At midnight, you can witness a 600-pound electric MoonPie drop from the sky, complete with fireworks and a laser light show.

Why a MoonPie? Though New Year’s Eve is special around here, Mobile’s big claim to fame is that it’s home to America’s original Mardi Gras. In the mid-1900s, locals started tossing sticky-sweet (but still-wrapped!) MoonPies from their Mardi Gras floats. Spectators went crazy for them and today an estimated half-million pies get tossed during an average Carnival season. Since Mobile loves a good party – and consumes more MoonPies per capita than anywhere else (including the pies’ hometown of Chattanooga) -- its citizens decided to create the world’s largest electric MoonPie to help them usher in each new year.

This year, they'll be celebrating the 50th anniversary of hip hop with headliners including Dana Dane, Rob Base, Big Daddy Kane, Slick Rick and Yo-Yo.

Photo credit: Visit Mobile


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